House votes NO on Repeal Bill SB 40.

On January 28, 2016, the Delaware House of Representatives voted against Senate Bill 40 16-23-2.

Rep. Kim Williams’ NO vote was part of a procedural strategy to allow the bill to remain alive this session for a future vote.

Thank you to all those who showed courage and leadership in supporting this smart-on-crime bill.

Do not lose heart. Every time the issue is discussed, more light is shone on the issue. Abolition is coming. Please continue to contact your legislators on this important issue!

Moral Mondays in February 2016

Starting Monday, February 8, 2016 there will be a march/rally from 11:00 1:00 p.m. in Dover. We will move as a group around Legislative Hall. We will carry signs and have some singing and chanting. The purpose of this action is to get the attention of state lawmakers and the public. This action is planned for each Monday in February. Meet in the parking lot on the east side of legislative hall Wear your Repeal buttons. Bring signs and lots of enthusiasm.