Letter proposing campaign to support abolition bill

April 18, 2020

Dear Death Penalty Abolitionists,

I hope this correspondence finds you and your families safe and healthy. We are all learning the importance of community and compassion in action. While my family is able to follow the recommendations to protect against the spread of the virus, we are keenly aware that many in our State are risking on a daily basis for the greater good. Let us honor their self-sacrifice by continuing our quest toward a State where capital punishment remains outside judicial recourse.

Congratulations to all who participated in the Death Penalty Educational Forum-Webinar on April 1, 2020. The panel members delivered clear and concise presentations to an engaged audience. Our gratitude to all the dedicated, talented and steadfast abolitionists who persevered resulting in a quality presentation. Thanks to all.

Given the fact that the legislative session has been suspended and we are uncertain when it reconvenes or what outstanding legislation will be considered, our specific strategy planning also remains ‘on hold’. For that reason, we are planning our next DCODP meeting on Monday, May 25 at 5:30 pm. This meeting will most likely be held on a virtual platform. The details and agenda will be sent to you as we get closer to the planned date.

At our next meeting I will be proposing that a campaign be developed with our partners for the purpose of amending the State Constitution to prohibit execution, as recently proposed by Representative Lynn and Senator Townsend in House Bill 305. Find details of House Bill 305 here.  Click here for an article describing context.

I envision this being a virtual campaign aiming at public education. Since such a campaign would be launched outside the political fray the focus might clear partisan lines thus offering some relief to our legislative supporters. I welcome your thoughts and suggestions at any time.

My thoughts and good wishes to you all. Our community remains strong and vital and depends on your unwavering commitment and energy.


Molly Keogh

Delaware Citizens Opposed to the Death Penalty
